12/agosto/22 – Mapping Long-Term Natural Orbits about Titania, a Satellite of Uranus (MSc Jadilene Xavier, GDOP/UNESP)

29/julho/22 – Perturbações gravitacionais correlacionadas com a técnica de deflexão de asteroides por impacto cinético (Lic. Bruno Chagas, GDOP/UNESP)

08/julho/22 – Un modelo semianaliıtico espacial para resonancias planetarias (Dr Tabaré Gallardo, Universidade de La Republica)

27/maio/22 – Celestial Minor Bodies. Efficient Modelling of Gravitational Fields for Engineering Applications (Dr. Manuel Sanjurjo Rivo, Universidade Carlos III de Madrid)

24/junho/22 – New research on exomoon detections (Dr René Heller, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)

10/junho/22 – Invariant Manifolds near L1 and L2 in the Planar Elliptic Restricted Three-Body Problem (Dr Gladston Duarte, AGH University of Science and Technology)

20/maio/22 – An early dynamical instability among the Solar System’s giant planets triggered by dispersal of the gaseous protoplanetary disk (Dr. Sean Raymond, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux)